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Essentials Health MOT


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The Essentials Health MOT

A Cutting Edge Assessment

A comprehensive medical examination including a strength analysis. Blood testing includes assessment of your kidney, liver, cholesterol, blood sugar, vitamin profile and cancer markers plus much more.

We discuss what’s important to you

Following a discovery session to understand your existing health, future risks and health related goals, a 50-minute in-person consultation with your clinician will be arranged to complete your full health assessments. The Essentials Health MOT includes:


  • Readings of your oxygen levels
  • Blood pressure review
  • Assessment of your metabolic health
  • Strength analysis
  • Blood testing for various biomarkers
  • Cholesterol profile analysis
  • Broad vitamin analysis
  • Detailed report and recommendations
  • A follow-up meeting with your clinician to discuss your results and map out your future health

Book a Discovery Session with our lead clinician

Still unsure what healthcare plan is right for you?


We offer a free 15-minute discovery session with our lead clinician to discuss your health concerns, future risks and to better understand your health related goals. This allows you to ask any questions you may have and ensures you progress with the most suitable Aspire healthcare plan.

Book your Discovery Session now. 

If you’re ready to take control of your health, book now
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Discovery Session

Unsure what health plan is most suited to you? Book a 15 minute call with our lead practitioner.

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